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/ Drivin' Route 66 / Drivin' Route 66 (1995)(Creative Multimedia)[Mac-PC].iso / mac / RTHELP.DIR / 00023_Bitmap_RTHE02.BMP (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1995-08-18  |  189KB  |  572x329  |  8-bit (111 colors)
Labels: dialog box | sky | window
OCR: Drivin TM Route 66 Navigation cont. On all screens which contain the U-Turn roadsign you can return the previous menu by clicking on this sign. For example on the Dream Cars screens you can return to the Dream Cars menu by clicking the U-Turn sign. On the Ultimate 66 Site screens you can return the State Menu clicking this On all screens which contain the Video /Television sign, you can watch video by clicking on this sign. Many screens will not have this sign this means that they do not contain video On all screens which contain the Trip Planner roadsign you can launch the Trip Planner by clicking on this sign clickine